Student Representative Conversazione Convened in Primary Section
8 A.M. 3rd November,2015,at the merging classroom,student representative conversazione in Primary Section was convened as scheduled.The meeting,participated by 60 student representatives,was chaired by Young Pioneers Instructor Mr. Rao Dan.
During the forum,our students were eager to express their perspectives regarding learning,life,discipline,sanitation as well as security.Besides,they pointed out drawbacks in students’ behavioral habits and thought positively about correction methods.
In the meantime,student representatives presented a great many constructive proposals in terms of school work and teaching quality evaluation for teachers.For instance,firstly,installation of rain gear cabinets in classroom to put umbrellas and raincoats.Secondly,establishment of reading rooms in dormitories.Thirdly,the launch of athletics and amusement activities among dormitories.
This conference,not only enhanced students’ acitve management consciousness in school development,but also set the seal on further humanistic foundation in implementation management of Anqing Foreign Language School.